2025 SPRING Registrant List
IF WE HAVE YOUR REGISTRATION, your name will appear in RED for registration received and unpaid, in BLACK for registration received and paid. Payments not received or confirmed by 28 February 2025 will result in registration cancellation.
1. WHSC Level 1
2. WHSC Level 2 Committees (Provincial)
Stella Ludlow OPSEU 416
Natacha Verdiel OPSEU 2100
3. Prevention Link - ODRT WSIB Level 1&2
4. Prevention Link - ODRT WSIB Level 4 Return to Work
Bryan Linkletter OPSEU 416
Kathi Poirier OSSTF D26
Xiaoyan Wang OPSEU 561
Lee Campbell CUPE 5555
Melody Hurtubise OPSEU 2100
Ashley Hunt UFCW 175
Bobbi-Lynn Stewart CUPE 5555
Shawn Stickle CUPE 5555
Dawn Cannonico CUPE 5555
5. Organizing to Build Solidarity with Migrant Workers
6. Mental Health First Aid Certification (MHCC), and Anti-Racist Psychological H&S in the Workplace